Job type

Film or TV editor

£18k - £70k

Typical salary

37 – 50

Hours per week

Film and TV editors work with raw footage to select the right shots and bring it together into the final production.

More info

  • Edit together the footage that makes up a film or tv production
  • You'll need an excellent sense of story, flow, and narrative, along with technical skill
  • Most editors work as freelancers and their earnings will depend on the quality of their work


  • Work with all of the footage captured during film and TV shoots to select the best sections and to fit them together to tell the story the director is looking for
  • Work closely with the director and other members of the production team to understand what they are trying to achieve
  • Spend time reviewing all of the footage
  • Selecting the right sections needed to create the final piece of work
  • Use specialist editing software to cut down the footage
  • Piece it together into a 'rough cut' then work with the team to create a final version


You'll spend much of your time in an editing suite using specialist computer software, so you'll be at a computer for long hours, particularly during the run up to a deadline. As editors work towards the end of the film making process the time pressure can increase as deadlines approach.

You'll need

You don't need a specific qualification to become a film or tv editor, but you will need to be able to demonstrate that you have the necessary skills to do the job, and so studying film, tv, or media, may help you gain the necessary skills and help you build up a portfolio of work.

As well as technical editing skills you'll need to have a strong sense of story and narrative to become a great editor.

You can build up examples of work by producing your own videos or videos for others for youtube. You'll also need to build up industry contacts and for some people starting out in a junior role like a runner may be a good route as it will help you get an understanding of the industry and build your network. Competition for roles is fierce, so you'll need to be dedicated and put in the hours to build your experience and skills.


Many editors operate as freelancers, and the rates you are able to charge will depend on your level of skill and reputation within the industry.