Job type

Foundry mould maker

£18k - £25k

Typical salary

38 – 40

Hours per week

Foundry moulders make moulds to shape molten metal into the castings used to make parts for industry.

More info

  • Practical work making castings for metal parts used in a range of industries
  • Work can be in shifts and is physical, practical and hands-on
  • With experience and training, you could progress into engineering, other technical roles, or management

As a foundry mould maker, you'll be based in a workshop, creating moulds that will later make parts in industry.


  • Mixing sand and clay to make moulds
  • Injecting resin into sand to create shell moulds
  • Making replicas of moulds with wax for use in 'investment' casting
  • Pouring molten metal into polystyrene patterns
  • Making moulds from heat resistant materials
  • Bonding silica gel with ceramic powders to produce castings


You could work in a foundry workshop, and your working environment may be hot and physically demanding. You'll usually work in shifts which could include nights and weekends. You'll wear protective overalls, safety footwear, a face shield and ear plugs.

You'll need

For this role, you'll need knowledge of manufacturing production and processes, thoroughness and attention to detail, good concentration, good initiative, to work well with others, and the ability to use, repair and maintain machines and tools.

You can do an engineering course at college, such as Skills for Engineering, Engineering and Manufacturing, or Engineering.

You could start as a foundry process worker and do training on the job to become a mould maker.

You could also get into this job through an apprenticeship, such as an engineering operative intermediate apprenticeship, or a metal casting and foundry technician advanced apprenticeship.


With experience, you could move into supervisory management, quality control or engineering design.