Job type

Garment technologist

£20k - £35k

Typical salary

38 – 40

Hours per week

Garment technologists choose the right fabrics and designs for manufacturers to make clothes at a set cost.

More info

  • Work with designers and buyers to select the best fabrics for manufacturing clothing
  • You'll develop specialist technical knowledge about fabrics and how garments are constructed
  • You could progress into management roles or move into clothing design

As a garment technologist, you'll be responsible for choosing the most appropriate fabrics and designs for manufacturers to make clothes at a set cost.


  • Suggesting changes to clothing pattern designs
  • Giving advice on suitable fabrics
  • Making sure garments can be produced within budget
  • Overseeing fabric testing and fittings of first samples
  • Making sure that the correct garment construction methods are used
  • Responding to product queries
  • Analysing product returns and faults
  • Producing quality control reports
  • You'll work closely with designers, pattern cutters, graders and buyers


You'll be based in a creative studio or office and may travel to visit customers, suppliers and manufacturers. You may sometimes need to visit overseas manufacturers.

You'll need

To be a garment technologist, you'll need attention to detail, initiative, verbal communication skills, flexibility and openness to change, and knowledge of maths and manufacturing production and processes.

You could do a foundation degree, higher national diploma or degree in garment technology or fashion design.

You can start with a college course before applying for a job as a garment technology assistant, such as Fashion and Textiles, or Garment Technology for Fashion Retail.

You could get into this job through an advanced apprenticeship in apparel, or a fashion and textiles product technologist higher apprenticeship.

You may be able to start as a garment technology assistant after completing a qualification in fashion or textiles, then complete further training on the job to become a technologist.


With experience, you could progress to senior technologist, quality controller or technical manager. You could also move into research or teaching in a university.