Job type


£20k - £30k

Typical salary

37 – 44

Hours per week

Locksmiths install, repair and maintain locks for homes and businesses.

More info

  • Fit and repair locks on doors and windows and help people access their property when they lose their keys
  • You'll develop specialist skills and need to be highly responsible with those skills
  • Opportunity to work for yourself or be employed by a company

As a locksmith, you might specialise in a particular area, such as repairing or key cutting for antique locks.


  • Fit locks to doors and windows
  • Sell, service and repair locks and other security devices
  • Cut copies of keys and make new keys
  • Fit combination locks and timing devices to safes
  • Repair locks on motor vehicles
  • Provide a call-out service to people locked out of their home or business or after break-ins


If you work for a firm that provides a 24-hour service, you may have to work some nights to respond to emergency call-outs. Your working environment may be outdoors in all weathers and you'll travel often.

You'll need

For this role, you'll need thoroughness and attention to detail, the ability to use, repair and maintain machines and tools, customer service skills, knowledge of public safety and security, patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations, analytical thinking skills, persistence and determination, and the ability to work well with others.

There are no set requirements, so you could contact local locksmithing companies to see if they'll take you on as a trainee. It can often help to have good practical skills and some experience in carpentry, joinery or electronics.

You could also train as a locksmith by taking a course through the Master Locksmiths Association.

You'll need to pass background checks and might be expected to have a driving licence.


With experience, you could work for a national company, run a franchise or become self-employed.