Job type

Payroll manager

£22k - £50k

Typical salary

37 – 39

Hours per week

Payroll managers manage the payroll department within an organisation.

More info

  • Manage a payroll team and the pay of staff in a company
  • You'll need great administration, business management and leadership skills
  • Progress to work in pensions management or do further training to become an accountant

As a payroll manager, you'll be responsible for managing all of the pay for the staff of a company or organisation, as well as being in charge of a payroll team.


  • Supervising and training the payroll team
  • Creating payroll policies and procedures
  • Advising on tax and pay laws
  • Managing computer software and systems
  • Analysing and reporting on financial data
  • Checking and auditing payroll to make sure regulations are met
  • Calculating and issuing pay by cash, cheque or electronic transfer
  • Deducting tax and national insurance payments
  • Processing holiday, sick and maternity pay and expenses
  • Calculating overtime, shift payments and pay increases


You'll work in an office.

You'll need

To be a payroll manager, you'll need customer service skills, patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations, administration skills, the ability to accept criticism and work well under pressure, leadership skills, thoroughness and attention to detail, sensitivity and understanding, and business management skills.

You may be able to join a payroll department if you have experience as a manager or team leader in another type of office environment, but you'll usually need some experience in accounts.

You could start as a payroll administrator and get training and experience on the job, but you'll usually need several years' experience in payroll before moving into management.

You can also start with an advanced apprenticeship as a payroll administrator then move into management as your experience grows.

You'll also need a good knowledge of payroll legislation.

You could take payroll qualifications like those offered by either The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP) or the International Association of Bookkeepers (IAB).


With experience, you could work in the finance department of larger companies or public sector organisations like local authorities or the NHS. You could move into pensions management or do further training to qualify as an accountant. You could also work for a payroll bureau that provides payroll services to other companies.